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Tsukubasan Keisei Hotelの観光ガイド - 京成トラベルサービス
Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel tourist guide
The closest hotel to Tsukuba summit where all rooms overlook the Kanto plain
Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel

Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel

Tsukubasan Keisei Hotelの写真TOP

Mt. Tsukuba located at the northern end of Tsukuba City, is one of 100 famous mountains in Japan. The hotel stands on Tsutsujigaoka hill, the final destination of the Tsukuba Skyline, which runs along the mountain range. All rooms look down on Kanto Plain, and on clear sunny days, you can see skyscrapers in the downtown area of Tokyo, Tokyo Skytree, and Mt. Fuji. The dynamic night scene of Kanto Plain that appears after sunset is worth seeing. The food is a complete assortment of special ingredients carefully selected by the chef. In addition, the large public bath “Tenku-no-yu” uses the Tsukuba Mountain hot spring, which has a high skin-care effect. The open-air bath is also equipped with Tenku-no-Yakuto, which is uniquely combined with galenicals collected from all over Japan.

Basic information of Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel

Paying (All charges will be paid by the hotel at the time of stay)
Open Google Map
Sales time
All day service One day bathing is from 12:00 to 16:00
Fixed holiday (cleaning day)

Charm of Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel

Guidance of traffic (Google map opens)

Keisei Electric Railway Group Special Coupons Operated by Keisei Travel Service
If you are looking for special coupons along the Chiba-Boso Peninsula, Mt. Tsukuba, Mito or Keisei Line, please come to the Keisei Travel Service.
If you check before you go out, there are surely good things!

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Tsukubasan Keisei Hotel tourist guide