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Mito Keisei Hotelの観光ガイド - 京成トラベルサービス
Mito Keisei Hotel tourist guide
Water and green, and the capital city of Mito, which has been fostered in history
Mito Keisei Hotel

Mito Keisei Hotel

Mito Keisei Hotelの写真TOP

Mito is full of nature, such as Lake Senba and Kairaku-en and has relation with Mito Tokugawa. We locate center of Mito area and 3-minutes walk from JR Mito Station. Please spend a blissful time in the space filled with the heart of hospitality that has been passed on with the history, and the functionality required for an urban hotel.

Basic information of Mito Keisei Hotel

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Charm of Mito Keisei Hotel

Guidance of traffic (Google map opens)

Keisei Electric Railway Group Special Coupons Operated by Keisei Travel Service
If you are looking for special coupons along the Chiba-Boso Peninsula, Mt. Tsukuba, Mito or Keisei Line, please come to the Keisei Travel Service.
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Mito Keisei Hotel tourist guide